Dynamic Self Defense
The Modern Martial Art
We Specialize in Women's Self Defense!
Real Life Situations
Reliable Methods
Real Self Defense

Practical Self Defense
Dynamic Self Defense is designed for real-life self defense. We've incorporated the best techniques from many martial arts to bring you a safe and effective way of preparing for the worst. No Competitions, No Mysticism, just real self-Defense.
Safe Family Environment
Contact us for more information at dsdinfo@usa.com or call 404-661-2714

In our Women's Self Defense course, we teach awareness to better avoid dangerous encounters, as well as simple but effective techniques so you know how to defend yourself.
Come train with us!
While the techniques in Dynamic Self Defense are very combat oriented, they are taught in a safe and wholesome family environment. Good manners, respect and self control are emphasized in all classes.
Total Fitness

You don't have to be an athlete to enjoy the benefits of our art, including increased muscle tone, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Students begin with individual instruction and work at their own pace, gradually increasing their skill and fitness level.

We teach Weapon Defenses, Control and Restraint and Takedown techniques for Law Enforcement and Security!
Student Testimonial
Became a Black Belt on Nov. 11, 2019!
DSD On the News!

Dynamic Self Defense International
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